What does it take to stop ISIS followers in the West from joining the fight in Syria and Iraq?

By The Editor of English\ Kalahan Deng

If the mankind succeeded in exploring (invading) the outer space, find cure for all sorts of diseases including cancers, and changed the order of our universe through new technologies, then why is it so hard to contain ISIS followers within us? This is one thing that I cannot understand, how great nations like the U.S., Canada, the U.K, and Australia are unable to come up with effective strategy (cure) that can bring an end to this chronic headache so called ISIS cells who go overseas and fight beside the terrorist groups?

What kind of a world we’re living in?

On May 25, 2015, an Australian woman from Sydney, a mother-of-two abandoned her children to join ISIS in Syria. The young mother was converted into Islam sometime back and started posting her extreme Face book posts .She left her first husband because she believed that the man was not as devoted as she wanted. She had even asked her former husband to grow a long beard and move her to live in Western Sydney’s Muslim community.

What made this drama fascinating is the fact that, this Jihadist lady left her two children with the babysitter whom she informed that she was going to pick up her new car. Unfortunately, the next thing, she ended up calling from Syria, where her heart and radicalized mind belonged.

In addition to that, here is another interesting story from the Sudan north, the heart of radical conservatism of Islam. On Monday, June 29, 2015, we received a message from Mr. Ahmed Babaker, the Dean of students at the Khartoum’s university of Medical Science and Technology (UMST) that twelve (12) Sudanese medical students, most carrying Western passports, left Khartoum to Turkey with the intention of crossing into Syria to join Islamist militant groups.

The twelve students, nine males and three females studying in the same faculty of medicine. Mr. Babaker informed us that seven of the students carried British passports, two carried Canadian passports and one student had a U.S. passport. Two held Sudanese passports. What should be noticed in this article is the fact that, these students usually come from western countries to join this Medical Science and Technology faculty that was founded by a Sudanese Islamist lawmaker.

More importantly, the Islamist government in Khartoum was fully aware of these students’ preparations to leave the country and join the terrorist group in Syria and Iraq. The latest apparent influx from Sudan north also raises concerns about the religious discourse that students in Sudan, which itself promotes a conservative brand of Islam, that need to be checked by western countries.

Babaker said Turkey authorities had arrested three of the twelve students at an airport in Turkey, without specifying the airport. He said one of the 12 carried a diplomatic Sudanese passport.


Final thought, this wave of twelve students, like the first group that went to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq, came from relatively well-of social groups and lived most of their lives abroad. They return to study in Sudan north and then leave the country to join the radicals.