Traditional Marriage, A red line Not to be crossed!

nabilzakharyYes we know, it is a hot topic these days! Traditional marriage vs same sex marriage!

But while we still have some freedom to express our opinion, we might take the chance to say what we believe – and I think the majority of the Australian people believe too- that is, traditional marriage as it is now in our constitution is the right and proper way to go!

Whether or not you believe in Creation and the biblical account for divine order for humanity and the cosmos, nature tells us that we humans are gendered beings and that the two sexes complement each other. Nature also tells us that not only men and women have biological differences, they also have emotional needs that are unique to each gender. These needs can only be fulfilled by the opposite sex! So the idea of same sex relationship, by default, overlooks these dynamics of human relationships.

In the Bible, we are reminded that the foundational principle for marriage is that the man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife in holy matrimony (Matt. 19:4-6). This was actually a quote that Christ himself has reaffirmed from the Genesis account.

It is in this kind of environment that children can enjoy the warmth and safety they naturally long for from both mum and dad! So marriage, we see, is not only about companionship between two partners per sae, but it also serves as the safety net for children.

For a young boy to learn how to be man and handle life from a manly perspective, he needs a manly role model that comes naturally from his father. Similarly, the young girl needs a mother in her life for the same reason.  It goes without saying, that in real life it doesn’t always work that neatly! But the exception does not cancel out the rule!!

Children need to grow up in a permanent kind of union between their mum and dad. Permanency comes with faithfulness and commitment to each other. But if marriage is just about adult emotional fulfilment, why does it matter what gender and how many partners?! So polygamy is right on the heels of same sex marriage! In fact, can I go a step further and say, why not marry your sister or daughter?! Why not marry a horse or a pet?! If marriage is just about adult emotional fulfilment, who’s to say all of the above is wrong! I know this sounds ridiculous, but you see where I’m going with this!

Nature and common sense tell us that marriage as it has been for thousands of years, and shall be for thousands of years to come will always be a union between a man and a woman at the exclusion of all others. Thankfully, our constitution has recognised that since the establishment of our nation of Australia.

So for the sake of common sense, reason, nature and good order, please let us preserve our current constitution for traditional marriage. We owe it to our children who have no say in the matter and cannot express their natural and rightful need for a father and mother to grow up with.

It is also obvious that for our society to maintain its existence in terms of reproduction, we need the natural way of the union of a man and a woman to bring children to life. Of course it is the prerogative of individuals not to marry or marry whoever they wish. But our constitution, as it is, is a red line that should not be touched for the reasons stated above.


Rev Nabil Zakhary


Arabic Evangelical Church

Toongabbie – Sydney,
