The Principle of Charity and Retribution


By The Editor of English\ Kalahan Deng

In order to understand how definitions work, we need to be aware of the different purposes for which definitions maybe put forward. Let’s take for instance the principle of charity, which requires us to consider whether something is missing. On the other hand, the principle of hostility is what motivates an individual to put an end to whatever he/she perceives as a potential danger and must be dealt with in a manner that requires the use of forces or threats to eliminate it. Having said that, the most important challenges facing both the powerful nations and underdeveloped countries today is how each party defines the principle of charity and hostility.

This lack of clarity put us in a challenging situation with this complex world. Let’s revive the history of Americans relations with Iraq and Iran. Diplomatic relations with Iraq had been severed shortly after the 1967 Arab-Israel Six Day War. A decade later, following a series of major political developments, particularly after the Iranian Revolutions and the seizure of the embassy staff in 1977-81 Iran’s hostage’s crisis, President Jimmy Carter order a review of Americans policy towards Iraq.

In December 1983 and March 1984, President Ronald Regan initiated a strategic opening to Iraq. Signing National Security Study Directive (NSSD) 4-82 and selected Donald Rumsfeld as his emissary to Hussein, whom he visited in the year mentioned above. Later, Donald Rumsfeld served as the Secretary of Defence during President George Jr., who later invaded Iraq and eventually put an end to Mr. Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003.


The United States support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War included several billion dollars worth of economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, non-US origin weaponry, military intelligence, special operations training, and direct involvement in warfare against Iran. Support from the US for Iraq was not a secret and was frequently discussed in an open session of the Senate and House of Representatives. On June 9th, 1992, Ted Koppel reported on ABC’s Nightline that the “Regan/Bush administrations permitted-and frequently encouraged- the flow of money, agricultural credits, dual use of technology, chemicals, and weapons to Iraq. Imagine, Saddam Hussein who was later viewed as an enemy by the United States donated large sums to various institutions in his campaign to curry favour with United States. In 1980, the Mayor of Detroit, Coleman Young, made Mr. Saddam Hussein an honorary citizen of Detroit.

Therefore, it is significant to every person to prepare him/herself for every event of life, for there is nothing that is durable in this uncertain world. For your best friend today could be your worst foe tomorrow, and your worst enemy could be your best friend. On the other hand, the powerful nations should not contradict their own policies toward the less powerful . For the powerful nations should not seek their own good, but the good of those which are less fortune. Therein, giving must come from the heart but even the heart must not have limits for those who need a sincere charity and not retribution.