If the enslavement of our forefathers (black people) in the past could not break their spirit, then how much more can racism demoralizes us today? The fact is, you cannot make a racist man denounces his racist attitude. For his temper and reasoning are unpredictable like an avalanche in the winter season.

Now, let’s imagine America under Mr. Donald Trump leadership as President. The truth is, America would be like an African village where young people conspired to get rid of all elderly people in that village so that they (young) remain without seniors. But one of them was wise enough and ran home and took his grandfather to a hiding. And time went on and many elderly people were wiped out. And one day, a leader of the group was cutting trees in the forest and a big snake tied itself on his neck and could not move or free himself from the snake.

Then the young boy who was accompanying the leader ran to the village and informed the rest about what had happened to their leader and they came running, but could not do anything to free their leader from the snake that wrapped itself on his neck. They said, “What can we do to save our leader?” The young man who took his grandfather for hiding ran and brought him to the scene in order to come up with a solution. He ordered the group to hunt for a mouse and bring it alive. So, when they brought the mouse, the old man raised up the mouse close enough to the snake’s eyes and immediately it unwrapped itself from the leader’s neck and the snake caught the mouse for a meal.

The group immediately realized the value and contribution of every human being in any society, whether young, old, black, white, religion, language or ethnicity. Therefore, word does not make a man understand, it takes a man to understand word. Having said that, there are two major forces operating in our world today, one is terrorism and the other is racism. Let’s take for example, Mayor in Washington refuses calls to resign over racist post about the Obamas. AIRWAY HEIGHTS, Washington State. The mayor of a Spokane suburb is refusing to resign despite posting racist comments about President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. The Airway Heights City Council has asked Mayor Patrick Rushing to resign after the comments were posted on his personal Facebook page. Rushing is refusing to resign, contending he didn’t realize his comments were racist.

 The comments compared the Obamas to monkeys.

According to KHQ, the Facebook post read:  “Gorilla face Michelle, can’t disagree with that.  The woman is not attractive except to monkey man Barack.  Check out them ears. LOL.” Rushing told The Spokesman-Review that he is not a racist. Deputy City Manager and Police Chief Lee Bennett says that’s not enough. Bennett says that as an elected official, Rushing needs to hold himself to a higher standard. Bennett told The Spokesman-Review in Spokane, “He said he is not going to resign, and that this was playful banter between him and some friends.” According to minutes from the council meeting, the Spokesman-Review reported,

Rushing said his remarks were “completely out of character” and that he would work to “get past this.” “I made a mistake. I owned up to my mistake,” Rushing told the newspaper. “If I do resign that’s admitting I’m a racist and I’m not.” The City Council has asked for a resolution expressing its dissatisfaction with the mayor. These are the leaders who call themselves Conservatives Republicans who strongly believe in racism as the best way of making America great again. They do not believe in what is known as diversity of American society which is regarded as a melting pot of the world.

Mr. Donald Trump is making his case that he wants to bring America back once again. The question is, back from whom and great again after what? We saw and heard this slogan in 2008 election when Senator John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin preached this racist and divisive slogan of taking America back. But they did not see the White House. Then came Mitt Romney in 2012 against President Obama, more of the same, he ended up outside the White House.

And now, Mr. Trump who is making it much more difficult not only for the Democrats, but also for his own Republicans leaders. America would not be strong through racism and division of between people who make up the greatest nation of our time. The nation that is united is always stronger, but if it’s divided, it shall fall on its back.