LEBANON, Pa. (WHTM) – Cub Scout Pack 439 in Lebanon held its annual flag retirement ceremony at Kochenderfer United Methodist Church on Monday night.
Cubmaster Scott Miller says it has become an important tradition.
“We started the ceremony after the September 11th attacks,” said Miller. “We think it helps the scouts understand the importance of what the flag means for this country.”
More than 200 flags were retired Monday night.
Major General Walter Lord was a guest speaker. He has 35 years of military experience and says the past weekend in the NFL generated mixed emotions.
“I have seen soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our flag and our nation be placed on an airplane wrapped in the flag,” said Lord. “On the other hand, I have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution and it grants the right to protest.”
Jerry Tatro, of Lebanon, attended the retirement ceremony. He says it came at a good time.
“With all the debate over what happened this past weekend it was important for me to be a part of something that shows respect for the flag and what it stands for,” Tatro said.