The Nauruan government has promised that it will process 600 asylum seeker applications “within the next week”, which means those refugees will be free to move around the island.
All refugees who have tried to get to Australia by boat are detained in offshore centres in Nauru because of the Australian government policy.
Justice minister of Naruru, David Adeang said Australia will be providing assistance with security and law enforcement for this detention-free processing.
Australian senate reported last month the conditions in Nauru detention centre were not “appropriate or safe” for refugees and urged the government to remove children from the centre.
Immigration Minister of Australia, Peter Dutton said any attacks on refugees in Nauru would be fully investigated.
Melbourne-based Human Rights Law Centre said, “the men, women and children on Nauru need settlement in a safe place where they can rebuild their lives.”
Australia’s new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is under the pressure to shut down all offshore migrant detention centres.