Many of us feel with deep compassion when hearing or meeting a child with terminal illness such as canner, especially when you are a parent or a family member of the child.But some professional athletes like NBA Player called MARCUS SMART went beyond what we could imagine.SO, who is MARCUS ? he’s known as Game Changer.

Marcus is a BOSTON CELTICS POINT GUARD in the NBA, he lost his brother TODD to lung cancer before joining the NATIONAL BASKET ASSOCIATION (NBA). Marcus is now committed to fight against cancer and he has shown the support through out the years by visiting BOSTON CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL.

He dedicated his time, financial support, and encouragement to lift the spirit of countless cancer patients.Families of children with cancer say that MARCUS is a kind and compassionate personality whom their kids need at this difficult times .Parents say that when MARCUS enters the room, families and their kids light up for joy, it a small moment,but is the moment the children with cancer will never forget for a long time. Parents of a little girl said that when MARCUS entered the room, their daughter was overwhelmed with joy because she never met an NBA STAR before.

MARCUS in  not committed to the children with cancer only, but also to Doctors behind the scene to learn more about clinical care and other in the hospital. As you can see in the picture, MARCUS provides children with cancer with social emotional care by playing games, reading books, and saying hello to every patient in the room.